

Reciprocity is a sculpture that embodies the notion that we can all experience empathy through our shared humanity. Its mobius design represents perpetual hope, and its polished chrome facing welcomes introspection.

Reciprocity: the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit ; a social norm of responding to a positive action with another positive action, rewarding kind actions.

“I’ve been working through this concept for a decade or more, dating back to an exhibit called “Primative”, which was an exploration of the duality of man. The inherent good and evil conflict that we all share was the subject of that body of work, and the sense of how to reconcile those differences within ourselves carries over here.

Where Reciprocity diverges from the earlier show is context; it seeks to capture the contrast of differing external viewpoints, rather than an internal, personal struggle. This sculpture represents the resolution of conflict through our Humanity, expressed in the connection of the arms as they meet in the heart of the sculpture. In the nighttime state of Reciprocity, the central connection emits a glowing light to underscore the illuminating effect of unity.

A subtle aspect of the work is the infinity loop that the arms create as they loop around and connect. This symbolizes the hope of a never-ending approach to peaceful conflict resolution.”

– Ken Womack